Behind the Wire: Cowra Breakout/Cowra POW Camp

2017 Exhibitions, Stephen Copland, Flesh and Blood

5 August to 20 August 2017

From 1941 to 1947, Cowra was the site of a major prisoner of war camp. The exhibition Behind the Wire includes photographs of the POW camp and a selection of rare artefacts made by the prisoners from pieces of scrap materials such as wood, metal and leather. Other items include paintings such as two alter panels realised by Italian POWs for the camp chapel.

Dream of Ghosts: an installation by Stephen Copland

Dream of Ghosts is an installation by artist Stephen Copland comprising video, sculpture, painting, drawing and artist books that imagines a poetic translation into the ‘Cowra Breakout’. An exhibition project commissioned by the Cowra Regional Art Gallery for the 2017 anniversary of the Cowra Breakout, which took place on 5 August 1944. Dream of Ghosts is funded through Create NSW.

Image: Stephen Copland, Flesh and Blood (detail), 2017, oil stick, acrylic and oil paint, ink, wax on primed craft sheet, 153 x 220 cm. © Stephen Copland