JamFactory Icon: Catherine Truman: no surface holds

Catherine Truman

25 August to 22 September 2019

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps it is in a vast landscape, or a personal experience. In Catherine Truman’s case, it’s often what she sees through the microscope. She is an accomplished artist, with a love of research flowing in the undercurrent to all of her practice. Truman’s sculptural objects and jewellery, made primarily from carved English lime wood, are a reflection of her ongoing interest in the ways which knowledge of human anatomy has been acquired and translated through artistic process and scientific method.

JamFactory ICON: Catherine Truman: no surface holds is a JamFactory touring exhibition. JamFactory ICON: Catherine Truman: no surface holds has been assisted by the South Australian Government through Arts South Australia and the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, Contemporary Touring Initiative.

Image: Image: Catherine Truman Citizen Scopes-Plyscope, 2014, object constructed from plywood, mirrors, iPhone, moving image, 480x440x340mm. Collaborative work with Deb Jones The Microscope Project exhibition, Flinders University City Gallery. Image: Grant Hancock.

Presenting Partners:
Logo - Truman